Sunday, December 31, 2006

Let the Countdown Begin!

It's New Year's Eve, well down to single-digit hours left in 2006. I've been back from New Caledonia for 11 days and I've still not managed to get my feet back on the ground at Tokyo's torturous frozen pace. Hoping I'll find my groove at the Solstice Countdown party in Shinjuku.

That's me, DJO talking to Divina of Sirius Issness

2006 was something else. And we will go deeper into what that something else was later. What's important is that a part of me changed forever in the middle of December.

New Caledonia is a magical place, and the Kozmix tribe ( is an amazing group of people doing wonderful things to bring hope into the lives of children. Excess monies from their parties support several different programs throughout the year. Kosmix prides itself in its use of recycled materials and promotes an Earth-friendly environment. I watched them turn a paddock into a party zone and then return to it's original condition, save some tire tracks.

The party site in Tontouta, New Caledonia.

Kosmix is culturing a psychedelic trance flower garden amid a jungle of overwhelming raggae popularity and getting approval from local authorities and the communities where they make their parties.

It was one special honor to play at the same party as Divina of Sirius Issness and the mad French genius Talamasca, and another to be the first American DJ to play full-on psychedelic trance on the last stop to paradise.

Best Regards for 2007.


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